The Five Types of Managers You Need to Know pt. 1
Understanding the type of manager you work with allows you as an intern to adapt and contribute effectively, leading to better collaboration and productivity. It also enables you to build positive relationships, gain valuable learning opportunities, and make the most of your internship experience. Here are the types of managers you need to know about:

Types of Managers You Need to Know: The Busy Manager
Having a busy manager means you are more likely to learn everything you need to know on your own rather than through training. In addition, these managers might have restricted your availability to ask questions. However, this does not suggest they will not have time for you; rather, any future encounters may be brief and require prior scheduling.
How to handle:
Consider the time at which you might need help or ask questions
Be independent and slowly learn things on your own
Learn about a meeting you’re attending with your manager, prepare notes, and draft questions
Types of Managers You Need to Know: The Hands-Off Manager
This type of manager will challenge you to rely on your own capabilities, potentially giving tasks with minimal guidance. Despite not being absent or unavailable, they’ve set expectations for you to finish the tasks on your own. You can grow and showcase your abilities in a more autonomous work environment.
How to handle:
Understand the tasks you're given and allocate precise times to complete them
Use outside resources (other departments, company records, etc)
Update your process to your manager independently
Types of Managers You Need to Know: The Micromanager
The micromanager is the polar opposite of the hands-off manager. These managers would much rather know every little detail of your work and evaluate you under the microscope. They have a specific manner of working and will manage in the way they believe is best.
How to handle:
Share your work progress and frequently communicate with your manager
Trust the process, once you’ve found your work rhythm, your manager would slowly let you be more independent

Understanding the type of manager you work with allows you, as an intern, to adapt and contribute effectively, leading to better collaboration and productivity.