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ArtBound Initiative offers scholarships up to $1000 USD. Since 2016, we have awarded over $60,000 USD in scholarships to applicants.

Our program has a selected number of scholarships that we offer per quarter. Applicants will be notified at the end of each quarter if they have been selected and will be receiving funding towards their program tuition. Applicants should note that they will be required to confirm their participation in the program prior to being notified of any funding allocation.

Inclusive Scholarship



ArtBound Initiative provides scholarships up to $1000 USD for outstanding applicants.


ArtBound Initiative will award the Ambassador Scholarship to the most qualified participants. Upon enrollment, awardees of this scholarship will act as an ArtBound Initiative Ambassador to raise awareness of our program at their university by completing these projects: 

  • Attend info sessions and connect us with a few contacts at their home university.

  • Follow all our social media platforms and help share important posts, stories and reels to their networks.

  • Create engaging video content about the program, their internship experience and relevant career resources to share on their social media networks.

  • Write an article interview about their experience on two featured websites.




STEP 1: Start your online application.

STEP 2: In the essay section, please answer the questions below:


1. What creative work (painting, sculpture, poem, musical composition, film, performance, design) has most influenced your life and the way that you view the world? Why?


2. If you are awarded the Ambassador scholarship, what are your ideas to promote the program to other students and friends?


  • English language proficiency

  • Participants must be ready to act as an Ambassador for the ArtBound Initiative program should they get awarded the scholarship.


ArtBound Initiative’s External Financial Aid Guide includes some external resources that are available to help you fund your internship below. Please note that all students should check with their home school and career center for additional grant and scholarship opportunities.

Creative Diversty


General Database: 


For American & Canadian Students: 


For European Students: 



For Australian students:


For Asian students:


For Other Citizenships:

Don’t forget to check in with your school for additional resources!




Crowdfunding is a way to fund your internship by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people. Find tips on how to use your social networks to fundraise and help you cover costs of interning abroad here.


Check out crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe, FundMyTravel, GoGetFunding & GoEnnounce


You can also create a t-shirt campaign through Bonfire. It’s a great way to fundraise with donations without any inventory costs, to fund your internship abroad.


Read on for more ideas of what you can do to fundraise here.

Comments or Questions? Let us know how we can help at!

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