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Rahel's Story: Marketing Internship in Sydney

This is Rahel!

Rahel, a communications student at ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), pursued her passion for the marketing industry through an international internship with Inck Merchandise in the vibrant city of Sydney. Read on to discover Rahel's transformative internship experience!

Alex Tucker, Video Editing Intern

Could you describe what your day-to-day looks like as a Marketing Intern?

My daily tasks involved working on HubSpot, labeling samples, and helping with the website refresh project on Canva. On some days, I got to visit clients or suppliers and see the factories that make our products.

The atmosphere at Inck was also really amazing. We all have a great friendship since we are working so closely together. We get along professionally as well as personally and everyone is very laid back which ultimately leads to a more positive atmosphere in the office.

What was your favorite part about your internship?

My colleagues taught me a lot, not only about working life and career but also about personal life and how to combine/not combine it with my career. I received some great advice and learned a lot during these three months. My work was appreciated a lot, and I was treated very well.

Food and drinks on a yacht
Company outing

Did your marketing internship meet your expectations and how will it impact your career goals?

It has met my expectations. I never really knew what I wanted to do professionally later in life but this internship has shown me what is possible with my degree and I can see myself working in marketing in the future!

Rahel standing in a yacht

How did ArtBound Initiative help you the most?

ABI helped me the most with the visa process. From the beginning, they guided me through every step, telling me what to do (or not to do) for the next steps until I started my internship.

I really enjoyed my internship experience, and wanted to say thank you to ABI for this incredible time!


Marketing Internship | INCK


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ArtBound Initiative is a fee-based global internship program for creatives. We prepare students for their careers through an online coaching curriculum and by helping them secure an internship in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Berlin, Melbourne, Sydney, and Virtually. With an expansive network of leading creative companies, our program provides access to creative industries that are notoriously insular.

Read more about ArtBound Initiative Sydney Internships here.

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