ABI Profile: Maia
studies Art, Art History & Studio Art at Earlham College. Maia then landed a virtual internship at IkonoTV, a global media streaming platform.

I was placed with IkonoTV, which was founded by Elizabeth Markevitch. IkonoTV is a unique art streaming platform. It is a hub aggregating films from video artists, museums, galleries, filmmakers, and in-house productions giving the audience access to a vast library.
I was tasked to attend different webinars and do intensive research which involved watching videos, reading articles, and communicating those ideas and perspectives with my other colleagues involved at IkonoTV.

Elizabeth Markevitch, founder of IkonoTV

IkonoTV's streaming platform
ArtBound Initiative helped me the most with building skills needed for professional development. Through their platform and resources, I was able to connect with peers and specialists in the art field.
Rather than realizing everyone is in this together, that we are all in need of help, we often prop up our self-esteem by looking at people who do supposedly worse things than us.
Thanks to ABI, I was able to build professional connections which would be essential for when I start working in the arts industry to preserve and promote art.
Intern | IkonoTV
Read more about ArtBound Initiative Virtual internships here.
ArtBound Initiative connects students and recent graduates with key players in the creative industry in New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Melbourne, and Sydney. The program includes: guaranteed internship placement, one-on-one coaching, travel support (housing, visa & insurance), and events.
Questions? Contact us at info@artboundinitiative.com