ABI Profile: Gareth
is a sound designer based in the United Kingdom who graduated from Bournemouth University with his BFA in Music & Sound Production Technology. He did fall internship at Freunde von Freunden, an international interview magazine based in Berlin. Gareth also interned for a month with Mutter & Vater, a production company.

"I was placed at Freunde von Freunden, an online magazine that produces multi-media content. I was an in-house audio production intern and was given the opportunity to take on a multitude of tasks in this field. From editing, mixing, mastering podcasts, sound design for video portraits, composition & production of bespoke musical pieces for company showreels & promo materials. There was never a dull moment!"
"This internship has been instrumental in expanding my network in Europe as well as helping me broaden my professional skills. I was pushed out of my comfort zone and challenged to take on projects I never thought I would when in university."
"I am proud of the work I’ve done with FvF and have made some valuable connections that have already helped me further my career, as well as possibly freelance work in the near future!"
"With the help of ArtBound Initiative, my CV and portfolio are polished and refined. I was taught the best way to approach interviews with prospective employers in the creative sector, and business etiquette. I have been advised in ways I never thought about before starting ABI’s program."
"ABI’s network of interns look out for each other and do whatever they can to help you settle in your new city. From banking advice, city registration or even where to find the best restaurants or events, they’ve got your back!"
See Gareth's work at https://gareth-cload.squarespace.com/
Read more about ArtBound Initiative's Berlin internships here.
ArtBound Initiative is a global internship program in the creative industry. We offer internships in art, architecture, design, film, tv, theater, fashion, communication, marketing and more. We offer internships abroad in 6 locations: New York, London, Berlin, Melbourne, Sydney and Hong Kong. Read more about our internship program at www.artboundinitiative.com.