ABI Profile: Chayanit
is a fashion trend researcher who holds a BA in Creative Arts from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. She did a fall internship in NYC at Fashion Snoops in 2019 and was hired after her internship ended!
I was working at Fashion Snoops, a trend forecasting company that has most of its reputation in the fashion industry. I worked directly with the culture team, gathering data from all around the world, not only focusing on the fashion industry but also on the macro perspective.
Fashion Snoops Team Event
Most of my responsibilities here was assisting the team with new reports, in both visual and verbal editing. I remembered my first week here, I got a chance to write my first report on the first hands-on experience on the event that I was invited to. It was the best internship I've done so far.
Chay at New York Fashion Week 2020
I always think of my self as a learner. I saw this internship opportunity as a learning opportunity for me to grow professionally in the trend forecasting field and I would say this has opened my view towards my career path and given me a chance to prove my self on how I could handle my profession in the future.
Life in New York can be very isolated if you don't know who to hang out with and who to connect with. ABI gave me opportunities to connect with like-minded people and connect me with young professionals who can guide and mentor me towards my goal in my career.
Fashion Snoops NYC Office
I would say that having a strong community and relationship is the most important thing to advance in every industry. ABI has a solid network in New York and helps connect easily through its network portal. I'm very surprised at how Laura, founder of the program, could manage to distribute her time for every participant to give a personal mentorship.
ABI is a perfect mentorship program for young professionals to grow and connect globally in the creative industry.
Culture Analyst Intern | Fashion Snoops
See Chayanit's work here.
Read more about ArtBound Initiative's New York internships here.
ArtBound Initiative connects students and recent graduates with key players in the creative industry in New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Melbourne, and Sydney. The program includes: guaranteed internship placement, one-on-one coaching, travel support (housing, visa & insurance), and events.
Questions? Contact us at info@artboundinitiative.com